One to one Art Therapy.
If you've never seen us before and want to book then please complete an 'Initial Contact Form' at the end of this page. Alternatively contact us via text or e-mail to arrange to do this over the phone. We can talk you through what to expect and what appointments are currently available.
You are under no obligation by completing the form or arranging an initial meeting - we will mutually agree to work together after both of these have been completed but you can change your mind at any time.
Initial Contact Form - Terms and Conditions
By completing the form to the left you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:
You are confirming you are over the age of 18
You give permission to be contacted by Claire Hilton (trading as Creating Space) for an initial assessment meeting with a view of commencing Art Therapy sessions.
You understand that due to Covid-19 these sessions are currently offered on an online basis via zoom and will go back to face to face meeting when is appropriate and safe to do so in Worcester city centre.
Before the initial meeting happens you will also be sent a ‘Remote Therapy Contract’ agreement which will be discussed before mutually agreeing working together during our first meeting. More than one initial meeting may be required by either party.
Claire Hilton is a registered data officer under the GDPR legislation and will only keep your data for the purposes agreed and will not pass this on to any other parties.
That all answers given are truthful and correct.
If you have any issues or concerns about completing this form, then you can arrange to do this over the phone if you prefer. The same questions outlined in the form will be covered. Please get in touch via email to or text 07783615895 to arrange a phone-call to do this.